
Hello 2010

It's hard to believe that 2009 is already ending. It has been quite a year! But, 2010 is promising to bring us lots of excitement - especially in the first half!

We really enjoyed spending a quiet Christmas with our families. Probably the last quiet Christmas for a while . . . We're enjoying the same quiet this New Year's Eve.

Darcy is definitely growing. It seems that every single day, I think my belly is bigger than it was the day before. Strangers now notice that I'm pregnant. We've also entered the period of time where she is most active (which is between 24 and 28 weeks, I think). She is definitely doing flips, kicks, and all kinds of other wiggles. She likes to kick me when I'm getting hungry, and then she settles down a little after I've eaten. Pretty amusing.

We are officially on the downhill slope. Only 14 weeks to go! We ordered Darcy's baby bedding, and it arrived yesterday. I'll try to post pictures soon. We don't have the crib yet, so the nursery pictures will have to wait a little bit. But, the bedding is lady bugs. Really cute!!

Brad borrowed a bassinet and brought that home this week. It made things a little more real for me. You'd think that the expanding abdomen would do that, but apparently I'm still living in a little bit of denial. I know she'll be here soon, but it sinks in a little bit more with each piece of baby gear we bring home.

We'll get another picture posted pretty soon. We are going to take this weekend and relax. Try to stock up on our rest before April gets here! Hello 2010 . . .


Stubborn Little Girl

So, we had another ultrasound today to check on Darcy's growth and for our 3D/4D ultrasound. Growth is fine. She weighs about 1 lb. 10 oz. already. However, as typical for each of our other ultrasounds, she didn't cooperate. She managed to get herself into a very difficult position - breech. Pretty much, it was like someone had dropped her into a barrel butt-first, with her feet in her face. Thankfully, Kim was able to still get some shots of her cute little face. But, we did get lots of shots of her feet.

Here are some of the pictures from today. Let us know who you think she looks like . . .

This is probably my favorite one.

Profile shot

This should give you an idea of her position for the ultrasound. Yes, those are her feet in her face. Apparently, this child is very flexible.


Gymnast Baby

Okay, so it's been a little while since I've posted. The night after my last post, we had a trip to the emergency room. Kidney stones. Oh, the joys of pregnancy . . .

And, things were pretty busy for a while getting that HUGE paper done. But, now that's over, and things at work will be settling down soon, so hopefully we can focus on enjoying this last holiday as just the two of us.

I'm really feeling the baby move now. Brad is too, which is fun for both of us. Sometimes I think she's doing flips! Might have a future as a gymnast . . .

I can't believe that we're only 16 weeks away from our due date. It's really going by fast. Here's a fairly current picture, taken a couple of days ago. The belly is definitely growing!

23.5 weeks